Covid Vaccines now available for all pregnant people in Ontario

As of April 23, 2021 Ontario classified pregnancy as a “Highest Risk Condition” for Covid-19 Vaccine priority.

This change means that every pregnant person and one essential caregiver are now eligible for the vaccine. To book your appointment, go to the Ontario Covid Vaccine booking portal or call 1-833-943-3900.

Ontario’s health professionals have been calling for this move since the beginning of the 3rd wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic as pregnant people are becomig sick and needing ICU care in unprecedented numbers. Pregnant people with Covid-19 infections may be at 5 times greater risk of hospitalization than people who are not pregnant. They are also at risk of preterm birth, caesarean section and stillbirth.

If you have questions about vaccine safety, read this infographic or speak to your Midwife.


Requests for Exemptions


SOGC calls on government to prioritize vaccinating pregnant people